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Dudley (Dog and Cat name)

Dudley is a name for dog. The name Dudley is popular for female pets. The meaning of Dudley is not known to us.
Looking for a hipster celebrity name for your pet? Dudley might be the perfect name!
On our website 4 people answered questions about their pet called Dudley.
Do you have a pet? Please help us and answer 5 questions about your pet's name.


1 votes
1 votes

Which animal

2 votes
2 votes

Dudley occurs in the following categories:
Male cat names ending in Y53 names

Comments about Dudley

Dudley Cat 2018
Our cat, Dudley, is basically only named Dudley because he is fat and greedy. Just like Dudley Dursley from the Harry Potter books. Plus, it's kind of a theme for our animals to have nerdy names (Leia, Elsa, Rory, Serena, etc.)